Tentative Schedule
October 1
Jochen Triesch
Opening remarks
Hilgetag, Engel
Multi-scale analysis and computational modeling of intrinsic coupling modes in the ferret brain
Hege, Macke, Oberlaender
Predicting Anatomically Realistic Cortical Connectomes using Statistical Inference
Coffee Break
Herzl, Stengl
Computational connectomics of the cockroach circadian clock
Anwander, Deco, Friederici, Knösche
Human Connectomes: The dynamic connectome underlying language in the brain
Albada, Dickscheid, Hilgetag
Integrating multi-scale connectivity and brain architecture in a large-scale computational model of the human cerebral cortex
Anwander, Geyer, Morawski, Mohammadi
Human microstructural connectomics: Computational modelling and validation with histology and CLARITY (MICO-MRI)
Poster Session with Coffee
October 2
Kaschube, Rumpel, Triesch
The dynamic connectome: keeping the balance
Busse, Tchumatchenko
Inference of synaptic connectivity from contrast-invariant orientation tuning in the early visual system: Computational network analyses and experimental Measurements
Coffee Break
Berens, Euler
Disentangling the computational modules of the inner retina
Denk, Kubo
Functional connectomics of the binocular optic flow processing circuit in Zebrafish
Beck, Kubitscheck, Schwarz
Connectomes and Disease High resolution connectivity analysis of the dorsal mouse gyrus dentatus in health and epilepsy
Gerloff, Ritter
Connectome based modelling to reveal multi-scale mechanisms in Stroke
Hamker, Kühn, Walter
Clinical Connectomics: A network approach to deep brain stimulation
General Discussion, Farewell